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- Bring water/ice to fields for your teams.
- Athletic Trainers will be available at the fields, HOWEVER, teams will be responsible for providing under-wrap and athletic tape. Trainers will NOT incur this expense.
- Obey parking and pathway patterns.
- Food concessions will be available in each field cluster and next to headquarters (inside the east stadium gates) for the duration of the tournament
- Tournament t-shirts will be sold at Fields 18-20 and Field 11 (Stadium).
- CLEAN up your trash at fields and surrounding areas.
- Smoking is NOT Permitted at the fields or anywhere within the South Germantown Recreational Park.
- Parking is NOT Permitted on any grass areas within the South Germantown Recreational Park – vehicles will be ticketed.
- Pets are NOT permitted at the Maryland SoccerPlex. Please leave your pets at home.
- Abusive behavior – physically or verbal – will not be tolerated. No warnings will be given – teams will be removed immediately from the tournament.
- RESPECT hotel property – any damage will be the responsibility of the team and/or parents.
- NO WARM-UPS IN THE PENALTY BOX (on grass fields)
- No team practice is permitted on the fields prior to or during the tournament.
- Park Police will be on-site the entire weekend to handle emergency situations.
- No drone photography or videography is permitted.